Sunday, August 23, 2009

As They Say, "Everyone is Someone in Hollywood."

Waking up on the other side of the country feels different.

It smells different; it tastes different; it looks different.
Enlightening is the word that comes to mind.

The only unsettling thing is this new nomadic lifestyle:
Waking up in a new hotel room everyday
Writing on notepads, hiding letters to future wanderers
Living out of weekly suitcases and travel bags
Continental breakfasts and squeaky elevator doors
Dry heat and mountainous nose bleeds

I record voice memos just to remind myself that I have a voice
I touch the street corners off of Sunset blvd. just to feel something

And it's fun to pretend that we spent time here once, alone
In a time long ago before it was overcrowded with binoculars, maps, and overgrown sunglasses
That we had our own places, you and I
We were regulars at the Coffee Bean off of Argyle Avenue
That the clerks at the Grove knew us by name
We were one, and we shed all, if any, discomforts down Fairfax
And, as it was in their nature, the crowds would smile
As if they knew that it was some kind of celebrity crush

But the hotel sheets aren't as soft as I remember
The company a bit bleak and lyrics a bit dim
And it's hard to duck under mirrors everyday
Without anyone getting a little suspicious

As I begin to scream your name throughout the canyons,
And whistle your songs in every crevice of this place,
I'll live everyday by your voice and your aching presence
That seems to surround every pulsing muscle wrapped around my shaking bones

It isn't your fault that your needs weren't met here on the west coast
But it won't stop me from recreating you on every mountainside.


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

As If the Heavens Opened For Only A Second Leaving Me Breathless and At Peace

I want you to know, my beautiful angel-

That your wings are so sweet and delicate.
I've seen many feathered surfaces and yours, my dear, are by far the fairest.
The boys, they taunt you because you aren't too normal
One day you shed your rough skin of scales
For that of gold and purity
And I commend you for this, my Seraphim
Because you have saved me when in thorn
Crawling through the darkest of sands and desperation
Lifting me up with soft pillowy hands
And placing me on the highest of mountains
Surrounded by the comfort of trees of security
And you sprinkled your modesty upon my body
Kissing my neck with transparent lips of dancing delight
You picked me up and dusted me off with a blissful blow
And although I cannot see your face, as you glow light a crack of lighting
I rather be blind and see those eyes
As I know that saving grace originates behind your lids
And love is the explosions between your fingertips.


Monday, August 10, 2009

Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

My parents once told me something..

But I soon forgot, so I had to create my own rules, morals, and all things thereafter.

It's fine, though, because I remember that "people" consist of "persons" and that makes me one person in the midst of millions with a mind, with a wallet, and a cluttered calendar.

And if I conjured up one decent thing in that jumbled mess upon my tired shoulders, it's that it's better to see things in the mirror, or better yet, as a casted shadow; the skeletons of the things themselves seem a bit better/clearer. Why? Why not. Look at things from the inside out - what are the elements, how do you create, where is the core?..?

In the grand scheme of things, I'm me and you are you and you don't know you without me so these are matters that coagulate behind my aching brow and I've yet to swallow this vial of empty bitter pills.

I've driven safely and cautiously down this road of life/living/chaos, but no pre-production for such a trip will keep you from swerving straight into the brushes and cacti-ridden medians that seem to explode along the way and lunge thorny bodies into awaiting travelers.

And it's not the sun, mind you. The skin is like black market leather, draped across a candy apple Chevy with the hopes of better scenery.

I blame the nonsense of the government and wading in the tides of a collapsing economical infrastructure. Riding the coattails of the guilty, I am, and my suit is dirty and I clean it with tears of those aching hands of carpal tunnel clicks and types and sweaty palms bearing the signs of the coming storm.

And I blame, whimper, lick my paws, and I believe I represent you, let alone the world, when I say that outside screams the soundtrack of a cash register, phone chatter, and the turning and growling of a multitude of empty stomachs.

For years I've been trying to produce essays, books, notes, papers without using the world "I". Needless to say, it's impossible (for me). But at 11:11 I'll pray for things to be different. I juggle with the thought that maybe the amount of words is more important than the content.

I begin to see that my fingers are chicken-pecking rabble.

It's lonely in between bookends, mind you.


Wednesday, August 5, 2009

A fissure began and it swallowed the world.

I remember specifically when my legs gave way and I promise you I reached out my hand so you wouldn't follow--

I don't know if you know yourself quite well, but you don't do well in pressure

But we ran as fast as we could while buildings gave way and glass showered our feet
We were cornered with low throaty growls of shifting earth
Towers of banged and blown-through buildings and you always said you wanted to live in the bustle and hustle of downtown

It looks a little different now, as volcanic ash engulfs the coffee shops and opera houses

It's just like you to wear high heals in the midst of chaos and destruction
But I've learned not to judge you, even when your cooking was not up to par
You would always make up for it with puppy eyes and pouty lips

I stop and see the courthouse up ahead, rising like a behemoth of architectural brilliance, and just the same, crashing down like a tsunami wave and blistering the beachside with angry pummeling and persistent hammering

In the face of the end of the world, it's beautiful to see everything we've created destroyed faster than we erected it--

That's when I lost you.

In the midst of such terrifying display, you slipped away into the rubble and I searched

and I searched for you but you never wanted to be found.

This was the fissure that swallowed the world and you were my world and are only now synonymous with carnage and things brutal.


Tuesday, August 4, 2009

They are not the same place.

It is passion that has brought me here.

/It is patience that has kept me here.
//It is being unstable that has kept my eyes (and heart) remained on y o u.

My thoughts are flooded with vulgarity and spite at the very thought of it. It's not the mere fact that you've moved on; it isn't even the fact that of all people, it is him;

It's because I'm selfish/unrealistic/ignorant and the fleeting thought that I had real estate in all of this.

You were never good at standing still. But what should I expect: you're a woman.

It's ironic. I've always found you to be dependable and at the same time a bit dependent. You don't even know yourself without someone else - tagged along on your arm, in your mind, on your bed.

It's rant; It's rambling; It's whatever you hear that you let f>a>l>l at your feet because you despise my voice and the thought of the word-------


As if instead of turning you on it turns your stomach and turns you away from me to a turn straight to him, and hell --whoever he is isn't me and it turns me off;

And as stubborn as I am, I see him in a burning car, in a crashing plane, a ticking bomb to his chest

-But it's too realistic-

Because I rather the magic, a transformation, a change of heart that could miraculously make you look back and see how much you have it wrong; (insert sneer here) Because I pretend you're unhappy when I know you smile just like you did when we (made love (or whatever it was))

All men have the capacity to tear your heart to shreds, babe. - but why couldn't it of been me?

Oh, let's take for instance the distance. Let's take into context the sex
Let's burden ourselves with concern and please excuse the excuses

Because we all live by the cycle and although we have heard the words before, we refuse not to repeat them, but for the sake:

-We met at the wrong time..
-We met in the wrong place..
-It wasn't you, it was me-and-you..
-I love you, but I'm not in love with you because I'm in love with him, or I'm in love with the fact that he isn't you, or he loves me, or he's just a band-aid over a scar that you would've given to me if we would've just remained in a perfect romance with blushes upon our cheeks and parks and plays and beaches and crazy after-hair and .. and ... and .... and ...

And even my speech is ridden with foul punctuation and insane banter about a woman that only existed to me and you can tell that I've been chasing my tail for the past few hours with this new knowledge that has been thrown upon me.

Seeing you move on is like not seeing at all.

It's like looking through a telescope that is out of focus. Everything is closer but it is just out of place, and in this case, out of mind. The back burner was never a place I was used to. Without you was never a place I expected.

But there you are. And here I am.

And for once, they are not the same place.


Friday, May 22, 2009

Here I am in the middle of a monsoon.

It's been raining for 5 straight days, but it's the best of what Orlando has to offer. I'm promised to be drenched no matter what I do, no matter where I go. I am able to use it as a natural cooling system. But quiet frankly, I'm over it.

Before the red decide to stain the radar, I was sitting at a little quaint restaurant on Lake Eola, a glass of Cabernet Sauvignon in hand, and the pages of Charles Bukowski placed nicely on my lap. Swan boats stayed afloat in my peripheral, and I was, for once, at peace. But as soon as I arrived, I had to leave. A parking meter stands in the way of lasting happiness, and unluckily for me, I don't keep coins on hand.

As soon as the floods leave I can be dry. As soon as I'm dry I can think straight once again. But until then, I will complain about the inconvenience. I need the peace.


Thursday, May 21, 2009

Meaning of Life

I asked a man the other day what he thought was the meaning of life.

He stood confident and prepared. After inhaling and tossing a sideways grin, he answered in a soft and grizzly voice:

"Most people believe that the key to happiness is of clean virtues, that the only way to attain complete satisfaction is by success and reaching ultimate goals. I bid you, my fellow student, to stray from such believe and listen closely. Do not believe such ignorance. The path to happiness is in fact irrelevant. To repeat, the path to happiness is not a golden road. It isn't paved in good intentions with pretty smiles and perfect teeth. In fact, the path is sometimes not perceived as even a path at all. However you obtain your happiness is your business. But I'll tell you, my friend, if you dwell in what keeps you happy, no matter what it truly is, then indeed you have entered into the best of feelings, into the best of times, and into the best of what life has to truly offer. Even if you grin through dirty and tattered clothing, laugh behind houses of trash, you aren't what you wear. Hold yourself in high regard. Forget what they tell you. Your roads or lack there of are full of nails, glass, shattered things. But you don't have to be made of such fragile elements. Your path to happiness is irrelevant. As long as your conclusions achieve you joy."


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

You Will Meet Me in the Afterglow.

Where have I been..?

I’ve asked myself the same thing. But I promise you, I have been looking. Every corner remains touched; hungry eyes have kissed every precious virgin spot over this brewing broth of earth. It gets scary.

It is terrifying.

It’s hard to wake up someone else. It is hard to never remain the same. A constant state of flux. I have to get used to such new postures, such likes. I’ve had to relearn names, remeet people, recare. It’s not easy.

It’s not easy being not me.

I’m burrowing into a blog and searching, bleeding all the while, but searching, for keywords, for someone, something, that lifesaving excerpt that will lift such precious feet to unbalance on such clouds of doubt.


There are black suit men all about me, in marching ant fashion, and me, like a piece of bread, am dormant, and only my physical presence keeps me alive. I see you out in the crowd, with a million empty eyes, and you’re just the same. The queen machine thirsting for man’s insecurity.

But the time is slipping.

I cannot move as I’m pinned on a clock, waiting for the hour hand to throw me off. This is not so. This cannot be. This will not be.

The film is running out.

A flash. A spin. A rewind. Over.


Friday, April 10, 2009

These are juvenile ponderings.

The sun has bled in through tiny slits of plastic and dried up all evidence of midnight longing. I can breathe again, and thus am left to my own devices and my own internal thought. It’s morning, and the mourning has lifted, you have gone away for the day and the air is so much thinner. I suppose you’ll return in hour’s time, but for now, I can be me without you.

Listening to the brewing of the coffee pot, gargling and bubbling up adrenaline to lengthen my day that much more, I am draining. I’ve shed too much skin to jump start new chapters and awaiting trains. I’ve run parallel to the passenger beast and have only stopped to watch it trail off without me. There were no seats that could hold such restlessness and boredom, I know this. These are juvenile ponderings.

That same T.V. remains mute. So many other noises around me to cover such bleakness, but it’s all nonsense and irrelevant. It’s knowing that the end is so much closer than the events leading up to it and everything starts to lose its meaning. It’s dedication to a novel that when the ending chapter comes you lengthen the amount of time it takes to finish. It’s tripping at the finish line and it’s parting ways with an addiction. It’s whatever you see fit at the time it fits. It’s things that couldn’t and shouldn’t be; it’s me and it’s you.

I’m not going to lie, oh most precious of readers. I’m terrified to pick up the pencil, to pull out the paper and see what such clutter forms. I’d rather just distance myself from such crude and smite-ridden thoughts, all of these distasteful neuron explosions. It’s nothing but a burden and a blessing to inject such meaning into lyric and books and writings. But the coffee awakes a giant and the silence ushers in the crowds and all we have is shattered glass and remnants of populace never to be admired.

Hell, we cannot remove these robots from our skins and the mechanics of this now machine-infested universe we now only lust. Every action, reaction, every lie foretold, it’s all the same, and just as easily mapped to our gears and levers and pulleys and shell and hydraulic pumps that keep us breathing and beating and seeing fog and thermal passerbys . Happenings happen and it is cyclical madness to not conform to the brutality of the wheel and invention and robotic efficiency.

It was under a tree when I found out that my company was only my doubt, and the leaves began to fall. My faithlessness killed the growths of the tree and everything came down in full force, decaying, dead, rotting, and everything you could expect. What was I to do but let it all come down on top of me, leave me no room to breathe, until finally I am covered, smothered, and my little robotic quiet heart pumps one last time until it…..


Thursday, April 9, 2009

The going-on's, a camping trip, and a slim look at the future.

2 days and counting.

Spring break is near, and I am overcome with excitement. It has been 4 months now since I've had some kind of break from the monotony, and finally it has come. But one thing I have to look forward to until then is the fact that it is 11:30 AM, and I have no school until 5:00 tomorrow evening.

Fleet Foxes is filling my ears as we speak along with the sound of the washing machine in the other room. I just went bought my harmonica holder for the show and have been bluesing it up ever since. There is three months left until I graduate, where is my life about to head?

My eyes have been glued to the west coast. I can see myself in a decent little apartment, working for some production company, taking strolls on the L.A. beaches in my free time, writing for some local column. Maybe even find a little artsy brunette to keep me company? Hey, it could be a possibility.

Aside from my dreams and aspirations, I have a few more months of this strange little life in the panhandle. As strange at is it, it has made me quite nostalgic and has boosted my music writing profusely. The only problem is, I cannot write a song that ISN'T about love and heartache. Have I gone country? I suppose I need to buy a gas-guzzling pick-up truck soon.

I suppose I haven't even blogged about my camping experience last weekend. Woah. I really need to get back on track with this.

April 4 & 5

Ahhh camping. The thought of me camping STILL makes me laugh (and apparently more people than just me). But besides all that, my friends and I ended up with a little free time on our hands so a trip was an order: St. Augustine, Mark, Dan, Liz, Rob, and myself.

Well, the weather was supposed to be ridiculous. The radar looked bloody and ridden with lighting bolts. But I am from the swamp for goodness sake. I swim in the same waters as gators and every breed of snake. A little rain won't do much to my hair; I don't brush it anyways. Some were concerned but finally gave in. It was like 3-4 o'clock when we finally decided to get a move on after finding an opening at Anastasia Campground. We loaded up Dan's creeper-pick-up-kids-using-candy van and headed out.

The clouds were graphite-like but didn't kill our spirits in the slightest. I was in the back with a little fan keeping me company along with a packet of bacon (such a random group of friends). We arrived a mere 2 hours later and seemed that we had taken the last camping spot. It still looked like it was going to hail/pour/lighting/anything, but we seemed to of had God on our side, for some strange reason.

The first thing we did is create a rain evacuation plan. Dan and friends created a roof for the table using a tarp in between trees held by bungees (freaking genius), and we made sure only the necessary items were out of the van. After everything was set up, we ventured off in search for food around the "oldest city in the country" (and firewood).

Apparently firewood is the HARDEST thing EVER to find. After calling pretty much the whole city, we randomly found firewood at a gas station close to the campsite. We found a Wal-Mart and stocked up on the essentials and brought them back to the site.

Burgers and hot dogs were the choices. We built a fire, because it was pretty dark by then. After some shenanigans and eatage, we went for a stroll on the beach. This is when drizzles started to usher in.

Yet, that's all they were. Nothing climaxed more than a few drops here and there. But it did get mighty chill after a while, so we headed back to comfort and fire. A few of us stayed up until 3-4 in the morning, only to sleep for 2 hours and wake to go fishing.

This place looked like fishing heaven: shallow cuts of water, a bit grassy, with shelled creatures on the sides (I still don't know what those were). Thigh deep in water, we casted, and caught nothing. But the sun rising over the beach gracing us ever so gently, beautiful reflections off of the water, were all enough to cover the pain of fishlessness.

By this time, we had realized that no such weather came across our mini-vacation. We were filthy, worn out, and home-bound. The ride home was miserable. Sleep attacked me from all ends, but I couldn't give in.

All in all, it was an incredible trip with a good group of friends. We created many inside jokes (beans, what?, other explicits). And better than everything else, great memories were made. Being my family is from St. Augustine, it was nice to see where a lot of my history happened. Hopefully soon I can return to this beautiful place.


Saturday, April 4, 2009

The Clock Stops. Now.

Something is sweeping in
And placid blue-black is breaking
Sounds and life is being sucked away
Into a phantasm of a vacuum

One that slashes through smiles
Burns through happiness which
Can only be due to
The souls of the wicked-
The capabilities of the heartless
Taking the air and turning it into
Midnight black with coughing lungs

There is no more room for such glee
No more capacity to be so fearless because this
Money degeneration has left power souring
And this apparition favors those rich and
Together they beat cardboard boxes
Hack through alleyways to steal such shelters
Inflating one’s lack of determination to live
Making it impossible to survive, at least

Control beckons from rooftop parlors
From left-wing halls, “viva la revolucion”

Our eyes are now a sponge and
Our ears are forced to favor
The most bitter of flavor
For the future has now been mapped
And the poor are only trapped
By this new frontier that arises
An economical turn capsizes
The ship that sailed towards free
Leaving us washed up in the sea.


Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I just Renewed My Netflix.

Seems like Orlando did something to piss Mother Nature off.

It sure turned black fast here on the coast, which is totally fine with me. I enjoy when bad weather visits (at least during the night hours, not during the day when I am walking to and from class). I had way too much pizza for my small frame, and it is hindering my ability to write, so I'm going to have to make a minimal post for today. But hey, it's no biggie smalls.


Monday, March 30, 2009

It's Monday and I Find Myself Sick.

I woke to one of the sickest articles I have ever read. This almost makes me want to fall back asleep and hope things like this don't really happen.

You take this family in Milton, Massachusetts. You have these children, a 5-year, 9-year, and 17-year old daughter, and a 23-year old son. Cops get a call about a disturbance at the household. the 23-year old is going absolutely berserk with a knife and has the 5-year old child hostage.

When the cops arrive, the door is locked and no one is opening it for them. When they finally break down the door, they see the man with the child in his arms and right there within the view of the police, he beheads her.

I am absolutely mortified, sick, and haunted by such stories and images. What brings on such killings, such hatred, and sickness? The news and media is plagued with "necessary" violence. They make it seem "okay" to harm your siblings. These things are not okay. Killing is not okay. Murder is not okay. Crime is not okay. America is not okay.

And I am not okay. America doesn't settle quite well in my stomach. The reason is this: we are the only country that revolves around such practices. Our media is empty without sex, drugs, and murder. It propels us, it stirs up our emotions, it turns us on. Maybe if we could just sandwich such incidents with at least one happy moment. Hasn't someone just turned 120? Has a baby just been born? Has some man conquered over a lifelong disease? I guess we will never find out.

I fret for my children (if I were ever to have children). What will things be like then? This country needs a reconstruction from the base up. We are decaying and falling and failing. We are restless.


Sunday, March 29, 2009

A Sunday Night

Interesting enough, here I am, back on a Sunday blog.

You may ask yourself what has happened since the last post, and I wish I knew myself.

It looks like I've started on my first novel. It is in its rather weak stages right now, but I may end up being alright with its contents. It is totally fiction. Or is it?

Don't we all want to be characters in a story? But usually not the same story that was started for us or by us. That is why I decided on this project. I want to write a novel about the life that I wish I had, and I will just live through my made up protagonist. Or antagonist?

We want to give our character a shelter, a safe roof above its head. We want to give him/her great friends, a great family, and a greater neighborhood. But this is way too simple. I want to instead put him through trial and tribulation. I want him to see what hell looks like. I want him to experience pain. I want his friends to turn on him-his parents to abandon him. Through him, I want to experience everything that I haven't. Crimes, hatred, lust, every deadly sin, the whole nine yards. True grit and bone chilling reality.

It's not that I'm sick in the head. I am not twisted, and I don't necessarily live by the things I write when they are about these sick things. It's healthy to be well-rounded, to open your mind to everything and anything, even if those things make you quiver and shake.

I admire my life and everyone in it. I am such a lucky and blessed person. These are the reasons I want to witness life in another's shoes. To feel how it is living day-by-day. Waking up absolutely filthy, recklessly drunk, and reeking of a Saturday night. I can do these things through writing. I can be whomever I please. Maybe I can be you next? I can make you prettier, richer, more famous, anything you want and more.

This post is making me sound very creepy, but the bottom line is, fiction is such a release, such a way to escape from everyday life. All of the things that could be quite impossible in reality finds a new life hidden in pages and pages of beautiful transitions and intriguing stories. This could seem like just a ramble on, but I think it's a legit way of thinking.


No Sun on this Sunday

Some had false hopes when they moved to the "sunshine" state.

Rain came in the middle of the night last night and woke me to a soaked Earth. Sundays are my only day off, and I'm never quite happy when something ruins it. So consider myself less than enthused about the situation.

I wanted to exercise my brain by writing a blog this morning, but I just realized I'm not too much in the mood. Maybe I'll finish this later.

Happy happy...Sunday.


Saturday, March 28, 2009

A Saturday Morning

Endings can be so bittersweet.

Another month down ushers in a new, but this one was rough. Classes were quite demanding, but I did extremely well and am equally proud of my progress. I finished up finals today and am prepared for a relaxing weekend. Today we are having a crawfish and crab boil, regardless of the terrible weather. A little reminder of home.

Sometimes I wonder the most ridiculous things. We all have seen such horrible scripted "reality" television shows at least once in our lives (and if you haven't, you are keeping secrets). Me, personally, am agitated by such schemes. But is this really that far off from true life? I think we can be quite scripted mammals, watching what we say, taking each step carefully, the only thing missing is a crew with cameras. I'm starting to be able to read people quite well, and I see drama as if I am part of a series.

Sleep was very evasive last night. I looked for it in the soothing sounds of Josh Groban, searched for it face down in a pillow, and it seemed to just not exist. I woke to the lack of hot water to shower in and thus am still waiting for that to appear as well. Just little annoyances that should not bother me, but do.

I am looking forward to a new month. There will be new classes, a new outlook, and a much needed break someone intertwined in between. Maybe this will be the month where I forget about her. Maybe this is when I can actually move on and create a new chapter in my life.

Or maybe not.


Friday, March 27, 2009

Jesus Christ.

Where is my motivation.

I enter this text box once a day, but it takes me days to actually write. I've drawn blanks, things have been blacker than black, and my inspiration has been nothing but a dry well. As you can see here, the only thing I can really actually talk about is that fact that I've lost what to actually say.

Things seem a little disoriented. I am seeing things upside down, topsy-turvy, and juxtaposed. Colors are much less than vibrant and things are very lackluster. I find myself fingering the neck of my guitar, strumming useless patterns and creating a musicians nightmare: noise. My life has become swarmed into a Picasso piece.

My fight to cut ties with home have failed. They are selfish, cloudy, and ruthless thoughts. To destroy everything that has made me, me, so I can carry on to a new stage in life is anything but selfless. Events have been cross-collateralized and you can find me doing balancing acts from telephone poll to telephone poll. The only problem is, I don't have anything to counteract the forces of gravity.

You can find me coloring in the lines with much happier shades, trying to brighten up the charcoal grays and blacks that have inhabited spaces in my daily life. I'll switch things up and change my hair, my clothes, my beard, trying to find ways to affect the inside. One outcome affecting the other. Changing the package to somehow affect the contents.

This has proved to be a losers game. Setting your bars low just so you can succeed; not questioning everything; accepting the things as they come. I find my lips quivering and my teeth chattering/grinding, and it's as though someone is always watching over me, but in a not-so-guardian-angel way.

I swallow those hard, chalky pills known as truth with a grin. I repeat the same things, go over the same problems, initiate the same solutions to keep myself in check. I write poems to keep myself interesting, to disclose every piece, every part, every deep dark secret, and let it breathe. I purposely build walls of paper, showing that I'm willing for opposition while still trying to keep you out.

You plague my thoughts. You stain my words. You have made me crippled and declined to love. You are everything I wanted, except for this tart and potent aftertaste. What I taste is acidic, and my heart burns of lust and desire. It is all because I let you in. I let you have such a huge part of me; I let you do with it as you will; I trusted you with my whole being, most importantly, the most fragile part of me. You were careless with my heart.

How strange it is to let such events control every facet, every single aspect of a life. Be it at the gas pump, a night with friends, while I attempt to create my songs, while on the road, you seem to want an explosion, a fight, a failure, a turn into the creek. You are so far yet you remain so close, too close.

I must delete you. erase you. destroy you. rip you from my thoughts.

I seem to turn back to that empty, imaginative canvas once again. The first thing I'll paint is our life. You can see smiles on two young peoples faces. You will find a house, a yard, and animals running about. You see a bright future clad with sunshine and laughter. For an element of surprise, I'll change up my style. You'll see me mixing all of the colors together to create a dark midnight black, with hints off swampy greens and placid purples. I will then throw the previous canvas off, and replace it with a clean one. All I will paint on it is one straight line. It represents the path between two imaginary points. One being the beginning,

One being the end.


Wednesday, March 25, 2009


I lifted my weary body, simultaneously opened tired eyes
And walked in zombie-like fashion to the fridge
I pulled out a gallon of milk and guzzled down the remains
Clad in boxer briefs I scuffled to the bathroom to stare at my reflection
What lived on the other side of the mirror I was not prepared for

Black blotches have started below my eyes
Dark red veins now reside around my pupils
I look older than my father; my skin begins to crawl
It's a pitiful sight and I stand embarrassed

I head back to the couch and I check the clock -
4 o'clock AM
Some unpromising infomercial is bellowing from my television
I pay no mind because I'm not in the market for leaner thighs
Rock-hard washboard abs or chaotically-cut muscular pectorals-
I'm too worried about my unhealthy state
Of mind and body

Long nights continue on to longer days
And it takes way too my much to gain sustenance;
I need more sun, I need more food, I need more time
Notice: everything begins as a "need"

It's a desire to obtain everything and anything
As fast and easy as possible
To gobble up the word around me and scarf it all down
Every word, every moment, every disease-ridden second
Of this decaying and apocalyptic word that we shrug off

A commercial comes on with a skin-and-bones child
Around his waist is a dirty loincloth of sorts, that is all
A man to the boy's side is trying to market his dying lifestyle
The lack of water makes his skin dryer than sandpaper and
It's evident that he has trouble finding a bath to soak in

But I have too many problems here on the home front
On this American turf, in this white-walled apartment
I'm losing motivation and I need
I need too much, but I want to need;
I want to feel there is something to strive for

I strive for pages filled with interesting documented days
I'll run out of paper and start using its edges,
The spine, the hardcover,
Sketching my day with lavish words and funnier phrases

But I know this is just false hope-
A blank canvas is a day in the life
So I'll paint until my arms get heavy
With every piece I make, every single stroke
Just one of dreamer-hopeful-beggar-needer;
Painting all that isn't real, but could be
In the eyes of the paint media staring back at me
With its blue swirling eyes, black/yellow/red skin
The more I hold such a brush, the more my life means something
Sleep will take me soon, nightmares will need my attention
Needs will wake me up in the morning.


Monday, March 23, 2009

Monday - March 23, 2009

Word of the Day


Looks like a bunch of letters combined to create a word that isn't real..?

NO. Syzygy is the following 3 things:
  1. Either of two points in the orbit of a celestial body where the body is in opposition to or in conjunction with the sun.
  2. Either of two points in the orbit of the moon when the moon lies in a straight line with the sun and Earth.
  3. The configuration of the sun, the moon, and Earth lying in a straight line
Simply, this word is just really cool looking and much cooler to say. You should let your friends know about syzygy and maybe ya'll could try to say it 10 times fast and it may cause you to just disappear, just saying. Could be cool right?

Maybe I'll get back to daily blogging, who knows.


Thursday, March 19, 2009

March 13, 2009

So it seems I've been a little unsocial in the blogging world for quite some time now, almost a week actually. Things have been pretty eventful here in Orlando so I shall explain in full vividness and detail. Here goes it - Friday, March 13.

Friday we had the strangeness notion, yet not too strange at all, to go to the beach, that beach being Cocoa Beach. A few friends tagged along, those being Tony, Jen, Spencer, and Matt. Taking two separate cars we took to the road with the enthusiasm of teenagers on spring break. Hitting every toll booth with shear delight, we made up stories of crashing planes and other spectacles that could cause such traffic. Oddly enough, some actually believed them.

With my change compartment depleted, the sight of tolls kind of unnerved me. Where is this loose change possibly going? Anyway, the signs zoomed by with excessive speed and about 50 minutes later, we could see the view of Cape Canaveral through the windshield. Splitting the water was the bridge we traveled on, highway 528. Blazing past cruise ships and sandy medians, we beheld the Cocoa Beach sign, welcoming in all its glory.

Finding a place to park seemed like a battle in itself, crowds with the very same beaching-going notions. Yet, we finally did find a place, more like a campground, and made the hike to the shore. We found our own spot by a lifeguard stand and continued with the beach initiation, otherwise known as intimate lotion application. Our towels were then laid out perpendicular to the shoreline and we reclined, at least some of us did. Other members of the group headed off into the water to participate in "physical activities" known as "throwing the old pigskin", and when I followed suit, and realized the water was a bit icy, I headed back to the comforts of the towel.

Jen and I proceeded to an engaging word search experience, being that I am always up for a little brain buster while I relax. I searched for stars and foreign cities at record speed, although the harsh rays seemed to hinder my performance. Everyone else joined us at the towel word searching activity spot and we discussed our future plans, which we agreed with no other than, the barbecue.

Making the drive back was not all that bad. Remnants of lotion all over my skin, mixed with grains of sand proved to be semi-uncomfortable, but I found pleasure in knowing my stomach would soon be filled with the most savory steak. After showering and getting the proper grilling paraphernalia, we headed to the beautiful Baldwin Park grilling zone to begin our dinner.

My stomach tried to force me to believe it was bigger than it actually was, starting with Publix sushi while my steak was being prepared medium-rare. Two giant NY strips later, it was time for bed. Jumping in my car, I hit 436 to UK Cir and laid my head down on a familiar, yet uncomfortable, green couch.


Saturday, March 14, 2009


Waking at 7:30 in the morning does not make me the happiest blogger. :(


Friday, March 13, 2009

Modernly Accepted Ramblings

I get bored sometimes.

Ahhh. Nothing like waking up early on a Friday down here in the middle of the panhandle. I believe I may be spending my day in leisure at the beach, hopefully darkening my skin with much needed sun.

The universal equation is that of X = A + B + C, whereas the variables can be what you want them to be. Take life as X. A, B, C are the variables that make up your life, and from afar, the little things in your life that make up the greater whole. We sometimes fail at having all of the information to fill in the blanks. We don't exactly know what our life consists of, and we are left to fill the voids with such negative variables. But for me, I have all the information I need.

Life = Love + Patience + Hope

In the terms of this equation, without one variable there is an unbalance in the equation. Every variable needs each other to equal the whole, which is life. But there is no order in which the variables have to be in, leading to many permutations of the equation.

Love = Life + Patience + Hope
Hope = Love + Life + Patience

How virtuous one must be to have something that constitutes as a life, at least one well lived. Some people's lives consist of patiently hoping for love, while others take that love with patience and hope for a future. However your life turns out, I hope your equation has a dual impact on each other. I hope your life is one of patience, love and hope. These are critical variables and may be the only ways to stay sane in such a hard time.


Παρασκευή, March 13, 2009

Word of the Day


Hmmm. What does that mean, exactly?
  • characterized by such fineness of texture as to permit seeing through
  • characterized by extreme delicacy of form
Oh. What is its origin??
  • Medieval Latin diaphanus, from Greek diaphanēs, from diaphainein to show through, from dia- + phainein to show
INTENSE. Sentence!
  • Only she would use the most diaphanous fabrics, creating the most perfect and thinnest quilts.
I have some strange want for some girl to make a quilt for me, or maybe just make anything for me. Or maybe I just want a girl like this to exist.


Thursday, March 12, 2009

Donderdag, March 12, 2009

Word of the Day


Oh Mylanta... Is this a Harry Potter potion? If not, what is it!
  • A nook by a large open fireplace ; also : a bench or settle occupying this nook
What does this Inglenook look like?

Smashing! Now that I am intrigued by this word, use it in a sentence!
  • As me and my love shared caresses by the inglenook, she whispered such sweet nothings to me, making my hands jitter, knees shake, and lips quiver.
Hey, just because you may not have the same infatuation with words as me does not mean you have to poke fun at my lustful word-in-sentence-uses. So go out, enjoy your inglenook, share your inglenook, and join me for a cold beverage someday on my own inglenook.


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

A State of Confusion - Chapter 2.2: Wednesday. The Red Tie Affair

It is about 8:00 a.m. and you kind find me tucked away
On Penn. Ave.
I watched the sunset from my corner table, a book with coffee
Catching up on learning the brief history of my ancestors but
Here I am now joining the others in the East Room
Split from the others by this long rich mahogany table
Nervous chatter plagues the room, and I’d rather be in bed
Or just not aware of the troubles of this place.
My red tie sits right under my chin,
A little too tightly, thanks to the wife
Almost forgetting it altogether due to oversleeping.
I am distracted by an intimate portrait of Polk when
3 bills slid from nowhere hitting my wrist
And I notice the Ferrari da Varese fountain in my hand
They’re all studying me; what are they waiting for?
I begin to scribble illegible words, my name
Supposing this may ease the awkwardness
And everyone around begins to clap and smile.
I see it fit to only follow suit, grasping, shaking hands
While I begin to stand.
I do not yet know the repercussions of such distraction.
What was I thinking.


Mercredi, March 11, 2009

Word of the Day


Woahh. That word is pretty intense. Please explain!
  • A term in art for a contrast between light and dark. The term is usually applied to bold contrasts affecting a whole composition, but is also more technically used by artists and art historians for the use of effects representing contrasts of light, not necessarily strong, to achieve a sense of volume in modeling three-dimensional objects such as the human body
Origin please!!
  • The term originated as a name for a type of Renaissance drawing on coloured paper, where the artist worked from this base tone towards light, with white gouache, and dark, with ink, bodycolour or watercolour
Well that's good. Now put that in a sentence.

If anything, this word would be great to just say in the middle of a conversation. For example, "John, is that a chiaroscuro painting?" during a talk about tools, or something. Hey, I'm sure it will at least get you some awkward looks.

Example. Credit due to Rodrigo Neves


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A State of Confusion - Chapter 2: Tuesday. Everything Comes Back Around

War. War. War.
Yes. On their lips today we here about scares of a potential threat. America has begun joint ventures with South Korea in terms of a North Korean satellite. As we may all previously know, North and South Korea are not the best of friends. No, they don't really hang out or share musical tastes or fence together. The U.S.'s, and also Japan's, reason for the destruction of this satellite is because this may be just a "cover-up" of testing for a long-range missile attack. Our interference with Korean affairs for "peaceful" purposes, and I quote "will precisely mean a war." As sarcastic as I can be, this is EXACTLY what America needs: a war threat from Korea. The way that America sticks its hands in every cookie jar is too unsettling. Yes, the threat of a covered up missile attack is important to keep watch on. But if one says they will wage war if destroyed, we must hold back. Can you imagine not only not being able to afford your home, but having your home leveled because of complete selfishness and misdirection? Oh where is our shelter from these storms? Where is our beacon of hope? It seems that we will only hit rock bottom before we build anything back up.


Dienstag, March 10, 2009

Word of the Day


What in the world does this mean??
An expression not used in formal speech, writing or paralinguistics, such as "ya'll", "gonna", or "wanna".

What on Earth is its origin??
Hmm. You tell me! I'm sure it was the dirty swamps of Louisiana, just saying.

Oh, I ask you, please use one in a sentence!
"I reckin that ya'lls gators got loose only because you ain't been watchin' dem closely enough!"

Finding out that saying "ya'll" so profusely actually was considered a "colloquialism" made me quite happy. I never thought that something so improper could have such an intense and confusing name.


Monday, March 9, 2009

Banned Book of the Day - Monday, March 9, 2009

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

"C.S. Lewis. Macmillan. Challenged in the Howard County, Md. school system (1990) because it depicts "graphic violence, mysticism, and gore." I'm sure the school system would rather have its children reading something which adheres to "good Christian values." I cannot recommend the works of C.S. Lewis highly enough. The Narnia books, in particular, are great for readers of all ages."

Source: Forbidden Library

This made me laugh, being that C.S. Lewis is a Christian writer. It seems everyone can find the negatives in everything.


Word of the Day - Monday, March 9, 2009


What in the world does this mean??
noun: A place of lodging for temporary or secondary use.

What on Earth is its origin??
From French pied-à-terre (foot on the ground).

Oh, I ask you, please use it in a sentence!
"These days JOrlando12 divides his time between his ample farmhouse in Roxbury, Connecticut and the pied-a-terre in New York."

If only this sentence were actually true. Who wouldn't enjoy a farmhouse in Connecticut? You have to love the French, I know I do. Happy Monday.


Sunday, March 8, 2009

Warmth's Abiding Mystery in Question: When Burning While Searching We Remain Away from Cover

We live for these days,
When everything takes a seat
And only beauty squeezes through
Taking the sky as its canvas
Substituting paint for other means-
A bird promised of brighter skies
But there is no clearer place than here-
Cotton cloud scattered and burning
Hopefully to fill every crevice of
The world's ceiling
You can reach out your hands
Block out the sun with your finger
It is almost like you, my dear
Have the power within your reach
To control the weather
And I even get the chills
When I truly feel the sun w
on't be there
After I remove my finger from view

Because that's when, my dear
Our lives will truly be over
May we narrow our travels
To find the origins of the sun
So when it, too, begins to die
We can maybe find other means to survive.


Saturday, March 7, 2009


Ahhh how early on a Saturday morning it is. It's just crazy to think about way back Wednesday when I had 3 classes a day for 5 days and now 1 class for 4 hours a day, 6 days a week. Truthfully, I do not know which is better. I am allowed a lot of free time to myself, however, and I use most of that time to write and blog.

I had no idea what a blog even was just a couple of years ago. I would poke fun at the word, telling myself I would never contribute to that wheel of which was blogging. Yet I began to see it as a way for release and it just so happened this release could be public. Hey, you never know when something you say may actually affect someone in some kind of way.

But here I am, a daily blogger, not quite sure who actually reads my writings, but it doesn't matter. It's that release, and a way to freshen up on my writing and to practice correct grammar (from time to time). It is also a great way to express new words.

Soon I will begin the -word of the day- in which i will recite a word, explain the word and it's origins, and then use it in a sentence. I think this could be a fun exercise. I don't know about you, but I love words and the power of them. They are about as delicious as this cup of coffee I have right here by my side. Dunkin' Donut's Original Roast. Loathe me.

Monday starts the word of the day, and hopefully by then I can come up with a better, ever catchier name for the exercise. But until then, it is time for Saturday morning class and a date with the Orlando Philharmonic Orchestra later on. Ciao.


Friday, March 6, 2009

A State of Confusion - Chapter 1: Friday. It takes a blessed man to see past the dust and rubble.

To have hope for the future we have to be hopeful. What do we truly have at our disposal to hold on to? The country looks like sand from up high, where everything you touch crumbles and the only thing tangible is the fact that it is flawed. We are flawed. We are bathing ourselves in tears and waiting with bandaged and outstretched arms, waiting to be given things we were promised and told we deserved. Oh that man that the we gave our futures up for is waving his finger already; we have set ourselves up for not only failure, but for denial of everything we built with ruined hands to be worth anything at all. There is implosions, explosions, we are bustling, brewing, and choking and so offtrack that smoke is fogging our vision, and it seems even the way our mind works. What we have failed to notice as a country is that government is a business. No matter if we like this or not, it is the absolute truth. They have their own agenda. They have internal marketing departments, promotions, and incentives. Fueled by competition, they too strengthen their plans to gather consumers of all kind, no matter the race, social status, sex, or age. Yet one thing this "government corporation" can do is actually get away with false advertisement. These scams of theirs takes YOUR money and promises you jobs and a secure future. Can this really be promised? A vacuum dealer can promise that when you buy their product, your floor will be cleaner, guaranteed. The easy way to prove this is by using their product. So YOU tell ME that when we send our money, sealed up nice and tight in a little envelope of some sort, when are we guaranteed what we are promised? When do we see our jobs; when do we see our children's tuition lowered; when are we going to be able to afford the life we live? But if we do not "invest" in our higher power's plan, are we being unconstitutional? Are we being unnationalistic? Are we being...terrorists? By God, please say it is not so. It seems our questions are answered by more questions and we are left to only wonder, cry, and worry about the land we love, or at least, loved. The only thing we are promised is that it will take time until we can live again.


1 and 4 Dreams a Dancer

You lifted yourself up off your seat
And granted me your hand
There is no light, yet your eyes
They radiate, and you can see my face;
You close your eyes and imagine
Faintly there are violins playing
And the string section ushers in
Waves and waves of dreamy pieces
Swirling around our heads and
Your hair is swimming in this blackness
And your toes are barely skimming the floor
You are no dancer, no
But right here and now you can Viennese waltz,
Minuet, Foxtrot, Lambada,
With such ease you grace the ground
You remind me of a Ginger Rogers
And I your Fred Astaire
As I meet your moves with my own
I can't help but realize that
You could not of picked a better dress
And I find myself too hearing this music
But it's your whispering in my ear:
"Bird's alight in the start of spring
A lonely heart's motive to sing"
And to snap out of my trance
Would only end this dance
So my eyes stay closed
Interlaced with yours
We stomp and tap out fears
And enter, yes we are entering enlightenment
I'm touching your shoulder
Bare and tender, I can feel
Yes, I'm being healed
Eyes relaxed, spinning barefoot in this room
We are free, we move together
Step, steps, circling and cycling
We stop, feet planted, smile, stare
I let go and you drift off
You drift off and I smile
I'm still smiling.
